Our national parks are a national treasure. Helping everyone understand the beauty and importance of our lands and parks is the mission of the National Parks Service. In the western United States, since 1938 it has been the WNPA (Western National Parks Association) that manages over 70 parks, endeavoring to develop and create products and programs that help enrich the experience for all visitors. Oro Valley is fortunate to house the Western National Parks Association – National Parks Store, where every purchase helps to support parks, monuments, recreational areas and memorials throughout the west.
The WNPA helps to educate people about the use of the land, and in the desert of southern Arizona, it can be easy to miss how much actual life exists around us here. The wildlife and vegetation can look mysterious and unapproachable at times, but with proper education provided by the likes of the Parks Association, young and old alike can open their eyes and be exposed to a whole new appreciation for all that the desert, as well as other western climates, offers.
Beyond the souvenirs, maps and books that you will find at the WNPA store, you can also rest assured that the proceeds gained don’t simply churn out more of the same ol’, same ol’. Not at all. In fact, the WNPA is constantly striving to find new ways of reaching its audience, from multimedia presentations online to interactive displays found within the store itself.
For a small example of what this wonderful organization does, just watch this 3 minute video. Not only will you see some of the beauty and wonder that has been and continues to be managed for the betterment of all, but you’ll get a sense of the pride put into the work done.
To get a sense of what others think of this place, here are a handful of reviews from the more than 100 found on Google with an average rating of 4.6 out of five (as of the publication of this page of information)
The store is located at 12880 N. Vistoso Village Drive Tucson, AZ 85755 (520) 622-6014
Driving Directions: https://goo.gl/maps/juUKTxsjGCXpUEbF8
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